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Fortis: Deminor and VEB have nominated four persons as future directors of Fortis en


Deminor and VEB confirm press reports of today that they have nominated four persons as future directors of Fortis N.V. and Fortis N.V./S.A..

The four persons are: Mr. Georges Ugeux (candidate Chairman), Mr. Philippe Casier, Mr. Dirk van Daele and Mr. Jan Zegering Hadders.

These persons were nominated with the support of shareholders holding close to 3% of the outstanding Fortis shares. In addition, they have also received the support of various shareholder groups such as Modrikamen, Test-Achats, VFB, Euroshareholders and ADAF.

The candidates have been carefully selected over the previous weeks for their expertise, independence, and personal motivation and commitment. They collectively bring many years of experience in banking, international financial markets, credit markets (including structured credits), investment banking and corporate governance. Please find attached a short biography or curriculum vitae of the various candidates.

VEB and Deminor believe that the proposed candidates can make a valuable and indispensable contribution to creating and restoring value for Fortis and its shareholders. They are aware that the Board composition may evolve in the future depending on the composition of Fortis' future assets.

Quote of Georges Ugeux

"I was very pleased that the Board candidates accepted the challenge to rebuild Fortis SA/NV. They are, as I am, convinced that Fortis SA/NV has a potential to be revamped in the interest of the shareholders. The Board candidates represent a wide range of business, technical and geographic experience that will be essential to achieve this challenging goal."

Deminor and VEB are open to support other candidates for the Board who can bring complementary expertise and who fulfil other criteria such as independence, personal commitment and proven track record. VEB and Deminor will communicate in due time about the other candidates it will support at the next extraordinary shareholder meeting.

Contact persons:

Pierre Nothomb : +32 (2) 674 71 10

Jan Maarten Slagter : +31 (70) 3130000



Written on Jan 9, 2009 by


Deminor helps businesses and investors monetise legal claims.

Further reading


Fortis case - Notification regarding the Fortis Settlement

Fortis case - Notification regarding the Fortis Settlement

On March 14th, 2016, Deminor reached an agreement with Ageas NV/SA (formerly known as Fortis) pursuant to which an amount of €1.2 billion will be ...

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