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Unipierre V

2000, France

Negotiation of a settlement for a group of private shareholders of mutual funds invested in real estate managed by Crédit Agricole (resulting in a ...

2000, France

Negotiation of a settlement for a group of private shareholders of mutual funds invested in real estate managed by Crédit Agricole (resulting in a payment of EUR 10 million to real estate mutual funds by Crédit Agricole.


1998, Belgium

Deminor reached a settlement for a group of former cooperative shareholders of CERA bank in connection with the merger of CERA with KBC.

1998, Belgium

Deminor reached a settlement for a group of former cooperative shareholders of CERA bank in connection with the merger of CERA with KBC.

Banque Pallas Stern

1997, France

Deminor advised a group of bondholders in the restructuring process of the bankrupt bank. The restructuring led to a recovery of 65%.

1997, France

Deminor advised a group of bondholders in the restructuring process of the bankrupt bank. The restructuring led to a recovery of 65%.


1993, Belgium

A successful negotiation for a group of retail and institutional shareholders of better conditions in the framework of a takeover by the French gr...

1993, Belgium

A successful negotiation for a group of retail and institutional shareholders of better conditions in the framework of a takeover by the French group Accor (50 % gain).
